Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life is hard!

As my profile says I am a "50 something", not a spring chicken, so I have been around the block a few times (enough cliches for you?). I heard from someone I love today that is going through a hard place, words seem meaningless, wish I lived close enough to pull up a chair and just listen. If you know someone who needs an ear, not a word, just an ear, go listen. Life is hard. When Jesus needed to He would go to the Father, many times it tells of him "going apart", taking time to talk to someone who cared. Be that someone, listen, love, let them know you are there for them, not to try to fix it, just to listen.


Toni said...

My heart hurts for them....who ever they are....lots of love and Gods Blessings to them....Thinking of you..

Petit Coterie said...

Thank you for this beautiful reminder that sometimes all our loved ones need is us...and we should be there when that time comes.
