Saturday, March 22, 2008

They are all here!

Ahhhh - they are all here! Chris and his family arrived about 7:00 pm - my chicks are all in the nest. All of you mothers out there with children in far off places know exactly what I mean. My three children - now 35, 32 and 31 years old - and all their families are here. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was just to sit here tonight between my boys - Wendell, laughing at their "growing up" stories - Tania, Jen and April talking about everyday stuff, Caylee (6) and Cassie (7) - giggling and holding hands, happy to see long lost cousins - Nick coming in from work and joining the party - Jordan - looking every bit the almost 12 that he is, the twins and Daphne running in circles around the rooms - chasing each other, baby giggles, sweet - sweet sounds! Family - this is what it is all about! We will have more cousins in tomorrow and another set of DeWitt twin boys (5 mo old) - it is going to be a crazy house, what fun! The nest is full and I am wore out - I am going to bed - with a smile on my face!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Nan, Now that sounds like fun...Have a nice time with everyone...give them a kiss from me...Love Toni