I came to Bossier City, Louisiana on Sunday to stay with Caylee and Jordan while Chris and Jen flew out to Colorado Springs to look for a house. They sold their house and closed on Monday, so now they are preparing for the move. They called today and said they have narrowed it down to 2 houses, and asked for prayer to choose the right one. I knonw the Lord will lead them exactly where He wants them to be. I am really enjoying spending time with them. I helped Chris with a photo shoot Monday night for a restaurant here in town. It was all still life of their sandwich, salad and dessert products. Their specialty dessert is called the "Humphrey Bogart" It is frozen yogurt with honey, granola and 3 different fresh fruits of your choice, and it is delicious!!! If Chris passes on any of the pics I will post them. It was so nice to spend time with him doing what he is loving doing!! A mom just misses time with her son and cherishes when she can spend a little time in his world.
So as they are gone I am filling in and enjoying every minute of it!!
Jordan is in 7th grade and decided to play football this year, as you can see he is number 12.
He got to play, he is closest to us in the front line.
They were the guests, and as you can see, THEY WON!!!
He is growing up so fast - I just can't believe it!! He has been very helpful all week, and Caylee had a list of activites for us to do, we are slowly getting each item checked off. Last night we had a dance off, I taught her some really cool moves, like the Jerk, the Swim, the Monkey and the Twist - she said she already knew that one, she taught me a few moves of her own. I watched Jordan, but would not even think of trying his moves - he moves way to fast and I am sure I would trip over my feet or put my back out!
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