It is a very dreary gray day here in central Illinois - not too cold, just gray. Nick is at work, Wendell has been laying down all afternoon, he is not feeling too well - hopefully not the flu that has been going around. The hospital has been full - everytime I have to travel through the ER for paperwork I hold my breath, I really don't want to catch it! On the brighter side - the forsythia branches have dropped most of their flowers and now are growing and developing leaves!!! If they grow roots I will plant them! I had also cut some Red twig dogwood branches and brought them in at the same time, only for the color of the stems (red), however they also are flowering and developing leaves. I am going to wait and see what they do - verrry interesting! God is so good - when things look the darkest, in the middle of winter and all appears dead, we get bright yellow flowers and green leaves, He is here, He is the creator of all and in Him we all have life. "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die..."John 11 25 and 26. Hallelujah!
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